This is an oil on Masonite 24 in. x 18 in. When you arrive you notice the vegetation and the earth tone rocky shoreline extending all the way to the horizon. The sky is a subtle blend of blue, Naples Yellow, white, and a touch of buff white. Subtle hints of a pale green in the sky is due to the blending of the Naples Yellow and the blue.

Title: Island Just For You (1)

Description; Oil on Masonite 24 in. x 18 in.

This is an oil on Masonite 24 in. x 18 in. When you arrive you notice the vegetation and the earth tone rocky shoreline extending all the way to the horizon. The sky is a subtle blend of blue, Naples Yellow, white, and a touch of buff white. Subtle hints of a pale green in the sky is due to the blending of the Naples Yellow and the blue.

Price $ 1,040.00

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